(Contributed photo)

Farmingdale Baseball League’s Appreciation Dinner

New York State Senator Steve Rhoads and Assemblyman John Mikulin attended the Farmingdale Baseball League’s Appreciation Dinner to say a very heartfelt “thank you” to all the volunteers who donate their time and effort to give young ballplayers a great experience. In a world where many communities struggle to keep youth sports programs alive, the Farmingdale Baseball League stands out as a shining example of what can be achieved through the selfless dedication of volunteers. Senator Rhoads expressed his gratitude for the volunteers under the leadership of League President Richard Zarrilli, for their tireless efforts to make the league a success. Without these dedicated individuals, the league would not be able to function and provide a positive and supportive environment for the young athletes.

—Submitted by the Office of Senator Steven D. Rhoads

Just Getting Started

Kevin James Thornton’s super second act

By Amanda Olsen • May 10, 2024


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