(Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash)

DeSena Supports Own Incumbency. Not Taxpayers

To the Editor:
I attended a recent Town of North Hempstead Council meeting with several of my neighbors to oppose an agenda item authorizing the Town Attorney to initiate litigation concerning a state law consolidating most elections into even numbered years.
It is unfortunate that some council members as well as our Supervisor Jennifer DeSena think support of such a frivolous item rivals their primary responsibility of protecting the hard-working tax paying middle class families that call North Hempstead home. The only reason the Supervisor and her allies want to challenge this law using taxpayer dollars is to protect their own incumbency.
This law is designed to increase voter participation which is something the Nassau County Republican Party has been trying to depress for years in various forms. I urge those council members and Supervisor DeSena to abandon this selfish political pursuit and support ways to enhance our governmental operations to benefit our residents.
I suggest to Supervisor DeSena if she truly believes this law to be unconstitutional then reach out to Nassau County Republican Chairman Joe Cairo and ask him to use the vast resources of his party rather than those of the people of North Hempstead to conduct her unnecessary lawsuit.
Scott Wolff
Village of Great Neck Estates

Just Getting Started

Kevin James Thornton’s super second act

By Amanda Olsen • May 10, 2024


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