Stacey Wagne, Rich Tousey, Eric Slavsky, Michael Michitsch, Gerard Petti and Spencer Adelberg (L-R) with therebates earned from energy improvments (Photo from PSEG Long Island)

Plainview Volunteer Fire Department renovates firehouses

The Plainview Volunteer Fire Department recently began renovations on its building’s garage doors and roofing, thanks to the almost $30,000 in rebates it received from PSEG Long Island. The rebates were given to the department after they implemented more environmentally friendly alternatives.

“One of the firehouses switched to LED a couple of years ago,” said Anthony Nicholes, district manager of the Plainview Volunteer Fire Department.

 Nicholes said after seeing how one of the smaller buildings managed the changes, the PVFD felt confident enough to make the changes in their larger firehouses.

“We go through bulbs all the time,” Nicholes said. When the department learned that PSEG continues to offer rebates, the team decided to improve energy efficiency in its other buildings as well.

The department’s two main buildings are the Old Country Road and Round Swamp Road firehouses. Based on an inspection conducted by PSEG, the firehouses were approved for energy rebates.

Plainview Volunteer Fire Department logo (Photo from PVFD Facebook page)

Almost 650 interior and exterior lighting units were replaced between the two buildings. The Old Country Road firehouse had 410 lighting fixtures and bulbs replaced, and the Round Swamp Road firehouse had 230 units.

In addition to receiving almost $30,000 in rebates, the department is estimated to have saved almost $22,000 annually on energy costs.

Annual savings will be used towards improvement projects, Nicholes said, which have already begun at district firehouses.

Renovations to lighting fixtures and units were the first step in recent improvements to the department.

All rebates reimbursed to the department have been reabsorbed into the general budget for day-to-day expenses. This includes truck maintenance, new equipment and other improvements to the department.

Since the budget has been approved, PVFD has installed replacement garage doors and improved roofing. Nicholes said improvements to the firehouses will help with productivity and accessibility.

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