(Photo from the Port Washington School District)

Schreiber High School’s Class Of 2024

On Tuesday, June 25, Paul D. Schreiber High School hosted its commencement ceremony for the class of 2024 on the school’s Seeber Field.

The Schreiber class of 2024 has three valedictorians: Max Marro, Averie Masia and Harrison Roth.

Class of 2024 senior vocalists

Student class president Goldie Abrahams and class club president Taylor Choi were honored to lead ceremony attendees in the Pledge of Allegiance. The class of 2024 senior vocalists then performed the National Anthem and the Schreiber Alma Matter.

Schreiber Principal Dr. Kathryn Behr led the ceremony and introduced the speakers. 

Board of Education President Adam Smith took to the podium to congratulate the graduating class and give some advice for the next chapter of their lives. 

“As you forge your own path, remember that you are not doing so alone. Along the way, be open to asking for and receiving help when you need it,” said Smith. “Appreciate and reciprocate the actions of the supporters, partners, and allies you gain, and be generous with your gratitude.”

Principal Dr. Behr introduced the second speaker, Assistant Principal David Miller. Miller is retiring after 20 years of service to the Port Washington students. In honor of his retirement, he received a certificate of appreciation.

From the left: Assistant Principal Craig Weiss, Assistant Principal David Miller, Principal Kathryn Behr, Assistant Principal Kristen Anisis and Assistant Principal Geri Weinstein

“Thank you for the privilege of serving this wonderful community for the last 20 years,” said Miller. “And most of all, thank you for the privilege of watching you grow up these last four years and hopefully playing a positive role in your growth and development.”

Reminiscing on the past four years with the class of 2024, Miller recalled the rocky start to the class’s high school career during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Four years ago, you entered Schreiber with a mask. Today, you leave with a gown.  I have to tell you, I was worried. We all were worried. How would the pandemic affect you? All of the things going on in this tumultuous world threatened to upset a very delicate balance,” said Miller. “If this was a test, you passed it with flying colors. This has been an exceptional graduating class by any measure or metric. And I am enormously proud of you.”

Miller went on to detail some of the class of 2024’s accomplishments and express his pride in their efforts.

“I am proud of the students who have persevered and overcome significant obstacles just to participate here today…I am proud of your 99 percent graduation rate—a remarkable achievement,” added Miller. “I am proud of you as people. I am proud of how you have bonded as friends and your inclusivity and perseverance. I am so proud of your decency and your character.”

Eve Siff-Scherr, student speaker and recipient of the Bogart Scholarship

A member of the graduating class, Eve Siff-Scherr, was the student speaker for the graduation ceremony. 

Siff-Scherr expressed her pride in her classmates for making the best of their high school experience, even though it started with the COVID-19 pandemic.

“We have learned the value of connection and community through sacrifices during the global pandemic,” said Siff-Scherr. “We embraced every moment with a special sense of appreciation and energy for how important and exciting it is to be together in our shared Schreiber experience.”

Siff-Scherr asked her classmates to make their voices heard in every aspect of their lives as they move on to the next chapter. 

“One of the greatest ways we can make our voices heard is through voting, not just in elections but in the choices we make every day,” said Siff-Scherr. “Each time we buy a product, like a post on social media, or volunteer our time, we are choosing the kind of world we want to live in. These choices reflect our values. They lead to opportunity. They shape our communities.  They shape who we are and who we want to become.” 

She also reminded her classmates how the Schreiber and Port Washington communities have prepared and shaped them for the future.

“There is something special about being a Schreiber student. And that is our grit. We have learned to think about the impact of our words and actions on others, bringing our words to life and using our voices in support of our community,” said Siff-Scherr. “We are a product of our town of Port Washington. So wherever we go, whatever we do, we should hear the voice of our community. Because that legacy lies within all of us.”

Board of Education trustee Deborah Brooks was privileged to present the Bogart Scholarship. She and two other Board of Education trustees, Nanette Melkonian and Emily Beys, served on the Bogart Committee to choose one student out of many impressive candidates to receive the scholarship.

Elbert H. Bogart, benefactor of the scholarship, grew up in Port Washington, then called Cow Neck, during the early 1800s. At that time, the only school was the one-room Flower Hill Schoolhouse. Bogart was born into a humble farm family and was not permitted to attend Flower Hill school regularly as he had to tend to the family farm.

But Bogart yearned for more. He read and studied whenever possible and became a successful farmer, businessman and respected community member. After passing away at age 86 in 1897, Bogart left a generous inheritance to the Flower Hill School to be used as the Bogart Scholarship.

The Board of Education honors Bogart’s legacy by awarding a student the Bogart Scholarship of $4,000 each year. The student is chosen based on academic achievement, school activities and leadership within the school and greater Port Washington community.

Eve Siff-Scherr is the scholarship recipient for the class of 2024. Siff-Scherr was selected based on her many accomplishments, such as holding leadership positions in clubs, being a New York State scholar-athlete, dedicating herself to music, and her commitment to community service and social justice.

Superintendent Dr. Michael Hynes addressed the graduating class next.

“As I look out to the sea of blue, I see our future architects and engineers, educators, investors, doctors, nurses, mechanics, musicians, and the list goes on and on. We are just so proud of you seniors,” said Hynes. 

Hynes explained how he spent the last few days before graduation looking through the yearbook to read the graduates’ senior quotes and learn about their dreams for the future.

“My only ask for you after you leave here, Class of 2024, is never to let a label define you, especially one you did not choose yourself,” said Hynes. “Now that your high school experience is over, this is just the beginning for you. Our world will be a better place because of the contributions you will make to it and because you were raised and educated right here in Port Washington.”

Schreiber Principal Behr closed the ceremony by recognizing all the hard work the students put into their education to graduate.

She commended the class on their ability to adapt to new situations throughout the pandemic and told them to use that strength to lead them on an amazing, unique path in life.

“When you figure out the balance between healthy striving for continuous improvement and contentment with your own life, write a book, tour the world to lecture, but first call me and tell me how you did it,” said Behr. “During that call, you can tell me how it all worked out for you. Treat others and yourself with kindness. Figure out when to push and when to go along for the ride. It has been an honor to be a part of your life for this very brief time.”

The class proceeded to the stage to receive their diplomas and officially graduate from Schreiber High School.

Congratulations to the class of 2024.

The Class of 2024 has:

  • 181 students inducted into the National Honor Society
  • 28 National Merit commended students
  • Seven National Merit semifinalists
  • Two National Merit scholarship winners
  • 150 students recognized for high academic achievement for making the honor roll every marking period during their four years at Schrieber
  • Five students were named Regeneron Scholars
  • Helped raise $25,000 for juvenile cancer research
  • Students joining the armed forces
  • Student-athletes going on to play in Division I, II and II teams

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