Superintendent Adele Pecora, left, presented letters and notes written by teachers and administrators from the district after the first day of school. (Photo courtesy Seaford Union Free School District)

Seaford school board reports positive feedback as new year starts

Seaford teachers had positive messages to share at the first Board of Education meeting since the start of the school year. Superintendent Adele Pecora presented letters and notes written by teachers and administrators from the district after the first day of school.

“Everybody was all smiles. You could feel the excitement outside as our families gave our students one last hug, kiss, fistbump and high five, assuring them that today was going to be a great day,” Seaford Manor principal Joann Krudis wrote. “Our students eagerly entered the building where they introduced themselves to their new classmates, exchanged stories about their summer adventures, and quickly formed new friendships.

Throughout the day, the students participated in ice-breaker activities, explored their new surroundings, and familiarized themselves with the classroom rules and routines. By the end of the day, students left school with smiles and enthusiasm for the wonderful learning journey that awaits them at the best school in the world.”

“The first day of school at Seaford Harbor Elementary School was full of smiles and excitement,” Harbor Elementary School principal Jennifer Bisulca wrote. “The windows of the Harbor were freshly painted with our school theme, ‘I can see the leader in me.’ This beautiful piece of artwork is surrounded by our Seaford Scholar traits. All students were greeted with friendly familiar faces as they entered with the teachers and staff. The Harbor School was truly excited to get back to the smiling faces we’re seeing in every classroom. We are looking forward to a great school year.”

Raphael Morey, former assistant principal of Seaford High School, now principal of Seaford Middle School, wrote, “The first day of classes at Seaford Middle School was an incredible day. Students had the opportunity to connect with old friends, make new ones, and take their first steps as middle school Vikings.

Sixth-grade teachers took time during their first period class to help their new Vikings continue their journey towards locker mastery. There was a strong feeling of excitement in the building throughout the day, culminating in a surprise ice pop giveaway for all student son their way out of the building at the end of the day. We’re happy to have the students back in the building, and looking forward to a great day 2 and an incredible year ahead.”

Pecora said she kept a particular watch on the start of high school this year, because the students were going to be trying a new routine. Seaford High School principal Nicole Schnabel wrote,

“The first day of school at Seaford High School was full of Seaford scholarship and pride. Back in the spring, the Seaford High School Greatness Committee began developing an opening day plan/schedule to help support the concept of laying a solid foundation for learning and safety. After several months of hard work and planning, it was decided that we would run a special assembly bell schedule on the first day of school,” Schnabel wrote.

Schnabel planned for the students to run through sample-sized (shorter) versions of their classes, followed by four sessions students attended on situational and social media awareness, tech tips, Seaford Scholars, and connecting with student counselors. “Overall, it was just a really wonderful day,” Pecora said.

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