Kindergarten students at Munsey Park Elementary School celebrated the 100th day of school on Feb. 15. (Photos courtesy of the Manhasset Public Schools)

Manhasset Students Celebrate The 100th Day Of School In Style

Kindergarten students at Manhasset’s Munsey Park Elementary School marked the 100th day of school with their annual 100th Day of School Fashion Show on Feb. 15. Students and teachers dressed in their best outfits to celebrate the occasion. From personalized T-shirts with 100 stickers on them to dressing like a 100-year-old, the kindergartners strutted their stuff down a runway in the school’s multipurpose room as music played and their peers and teachers cheered them on. The classes had fun being able to celebrate the 100th day of learning together.
—Submitted by
Manhasset Public Schools

Munsey Park kindergartner Annie Cronin dressed like pop sensation Taylor Swift and wore 100 friendship bracelets for the 100th day of school.

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