The 2023–24 State Thespian Officers who helped organize this year’s festival include North High student Samuel Friedmann and South High students Alexis Dorf, Sophia Leong, and Alyssa Wong. (Contributed photo)

High School Students Attend New York Thespian Festival

Members of South High School Thespian Troupe 7486 participated in the New York Thespian Festival at LIU Brooklyn on April 5-6. The full-day event included theatre workshops and presentations, and two South High students received Thespy awards for their solo performances at the festival.

The Thespys competition provides festival attendees an opportunity to present performances in various categories to be adjudicated by theatre professionals and receive individualized feedback. South High juniors Michelle Harris and Alyssa Wong both received Superior Ratings, with Alyssa winning the top award of Best of Fest for Solo Musical Theatre Performance. At the end of the festival, Alyssa performed her solo again for all attendees.

Additionally, Michelle Harris participated in a 24-hour play event in which she performed in an original piece written by a student playwright.

North High student Samuel Friedmann and South High students Alexis Dorf, Sophia Leong, and Alyssa Wong helped to organize this year’s festival in their roles as State Thespian Officers for the 2023–24 school year. The annual New York Thespian Festival brings together middle and high school students and their teachers for theatre-based workshops, performances, and presentations.
The faculty advisors for the GNPS high school Thespian troupes are Christopher Giordano, North High drama teacher/Junior Players director, and Ilana Meredith, South High drama teacher/Theatre South director.

—Submitted by the Great Neck Public School District

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