The Glen Cove Housing Choice Voucher Program (GC-HCVP) is requesting all interested property owners in Glen Cove, who would like to be included on the Agency’s list of landlord referrals or have current vacancies, to please contact the Agency immediately.
We currently have participants in the program who are in possession of GC-HCVP vouchers and actively seeking housing for immediate occupancy. The GC-HCVP rent subsidy is a HUD guaranteed payment to the landlord and subject to annual recertification of program participants and housing inspection of unit performed by the Agency. For further information and to become a landlord on the GC-HCVP, please call 516-676-1625 or via email at [email protected]
Vouchers pay – discrimination doesn’t. It is illegal for landlords, brokers and realtors to refuse renters because they have a voucher.
—Submitted by the City of Glen Cove Mayor’s Office