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Budget Planning At Oyster Bay Schools

On Jan. 23, the Oyster Bay-East Norwich Central School District began its budget planning for the 2024-2025 school year.
“I’m sure you have read in the paper the past few days about the state aid, the Foundation Aid and the different cuts,” said Oyster Bay-East Norwich Central School District Superintendent Dr. Francesco Ianni. “We’ve been working very hard to be creative with what we have. Financial and operational efficiencies are also one of our top priorities and we always explore ways to make the most of what we have.”
The district will lose over $500,000 in Foundation Aid this year while also facing high inflation rates, with a Consumer Price Index of 6.26 percent.
“Preparing the tax levy limit requires careful attention again this year due to the fact that we’re facing high inflation rates for the third consecutive year,” said Deputy Superintendent Maureen Raynor during the Feb. 27 budget presentation. “We have continued to remain fiscally cautious in order to stay within the cap while recognizing and adjusting for the high inflation rates we’ve seen and we’re all experiencing as well.”
Raynor announced on Feb. 27 that the allowable tax levy is expected to be approximately 2.41 percent.
At the Jan. 23 Board of Education meeting, in addition to introducing the budget, Raynor highlighted some points of pride for the district, including the New York State Approved Career Technical and Educational Program in TV Production and Multimedia Journalism; the opening of the cOllaB (where students get to explore commercial ideas) and Innovation Lab as part of the 21st-Century Capital Improvements Project and the state Seal of Biliteracy and Seal of Civic Readiness programs.The district has also earned Silver Recognition in the 2023 AP School Honor Roll, and received the AP Access Award for enrolling underrepresented and low-income students into AP courses. The Elementary World Language program expanded for fifth and sixth grades. Oyster Bay students had the opportunity to perform at Madison Square Garden, Carnegie Hall and at a street renaming for Billy Joel.
“As we get into the budget process, it’s important to talk about our mission,” Raynor said. “Our mission is to support the students of Oyster Bay-East Norwich in providing high-quality academic, athletic and arts programs, investing in facilities improvements while remaining fiscally responsible to our community members.”
Among the focuses of the 2024-2025 budget is to stay within the allowable tax levy cap; align resources to provide students with the best possible educational opportunities; continue to maintain and improve buildings and grounds and remain fiscally responsible.
The next budget presentations will occur on March 12 and March 26, and the budget will be adopted on April 16. A budget hearing will take place on May 7 and the vote will take place on May 21. Meetings are held in Oyster Bay High School’s auditorium at 7:30 p.m.
For more information about the budget, visit

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