
Biden vs. Trump 2024

I am a senior citizen from LI, NY who feels very blessed and fortunate to have been born in this great country. I also believe that to take the responsibility for helping others is what we are all called to do.

I have served my country through military service, local government through volunteer Fire Department, and before retiring had an active role in my church. My wife and I were blessed with three wonderful children.

This leads me to what I want to discuss; the field of politics, which I believe is a calling that must be about helping and making life better for others.

This November we will have a presidential election, one that in my opinion is more important than any we have had since the Civil War.

In the Democratic corner we have Joe Biden. To me, his life reflects clearly how he feels about others, as he has spent his life in an effort to make things better for other people.

On the other side of the ring we have the Republican candidate, a man who has spent his life using others to serve his wants and needs. The word “service” to him has no meaning at all. He laughs at those who have served others in the military, honest politics or any other way.

It is clear to me that this country is on the brink of disaster if Trump is elected. If we as a people make the wrong choice, we may never be able to recover our Democratic way of life. That makes us a shining star in the darkness.

I hope my fellow citizens wake up before it’s too late and that we as a people can put aside our gripes, disagreements and prejudices, and focus on the big picture — the survival of our democracy.

–Sincerely, Martin J. Bowe

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